Last week I found a great CAL which I decided that I just had to take part in.
This is it here. I decided I wanted to crochet a Wool-eater with only masculine colours so that the boys can cosy up under it as they object to the pinks and purples. I think I am supposed to write about my progress on a Wednesday, but I will put it up today and put up any progress again on Wednesday.

I am quite a bit behind but was getting there slowly but surely until I got diagnosed on Monday with tennis elbow, my arm has been painful for a while but has got a lot worse over the last 2 weeks and the doctor reckons the repetitive action of crochet is probably not helping. So I am working on it just 10 minutes at a time just to help with my addiction to this pattern it gets under your skin.

I decided that I needed some light knitting to get on with instead of heavy crochet blankets, so what better than socks. I have not knitted socks for ages and all my knitted socks are showing their age, they are well worn.

I decided to do monkey socks the pattern can be found
here .
The yarn I am using is a ball I found in a charity shop a while ago and I tried to check but no longer available I am still trying to use the stash before I buy any more yarn it is getting less slowly but surely.

I can only apologise about the quality of pictures but I think my camera is going to give up the ghost I think I need a new one so better get saving.
Thank you for reading.